Back To a Kind of Online Rhythm
I've not posted anything here for over a month. The reason for that is that my time and energy have been taken up by preparing for my mother to have a hip joint replacement operation, then helping her as she recovers.
I'm pleased to say that my mum is doing really well now, with just some minor discomfort around the operation site. I won't lie, I was worried about this operation and uncertain about the outcome — my mum turned 85 in March, and though she's very fit for her age there were still some risks involved.
I've missed blogging, but the brutal fact is that it's hard to write when you're low on mental and physical energy. I just about managed to keep up my private journal most days, which is where I tend to dump stuff that I need out of my head.
I've still not decided what to do about my main website. I'm seriously considering sending the newer posts to the Internet Archive then starting afresh, perhaps transitioning to just being a personal site without a blog. I don't feel the need to have multiple blogging systems, plus I'd quite like to just have a place where I can play around with HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript and not bother with tools like Hugo. Building personal websites should be fun, and if I'm honest 'fun' is not a word I'd associate with Hugo.
(I'm also debating moving back to proper web hosting so I have the option of using PHP — yes, really — for some degree of semi-interactivity. But that can wait for now.)